How safe is NFT?

The latest bit coin (actually Ethereum)  craze to emerge is Non-fungible token or NFT’s, Simply put its’s an digital ledger containing digital assets, mostly art as digital: I.E. a ledger where the “rights” to the content is owned by you as a transferable asset. Several high value transactions are in the news such as Beeple and DJ3LAU recently, NFT’s are not as straight forwards as people think. An interesting article shows the ins and outs of buying and owning (or not) of FCC’s on Motherboard highlights some of the problems with this.

More fun with Exchange

As you may already know a series of 0-day bugs have been discovered recently and are actively used by hackers globally. First used by a Chinese hacking crew Hafnium it has evolved into a bigger problem. Paul Kerbs has a nice timeline on this. Microsoft has now launched a one-click solution for admins that have not implemented the already released patches:  CVE-2021-26855CVE-2021-26857CVE-2021-26858CVE-2021-27065,