The letter written by Richard Jacobs to senior management in Uber (leading to his job demotion and eventually leaving Uber) that delayed the current court case between Waymo (Google) and Uber when discovered. This document has now been (mostly) made public by the court. The complete document can be found on Scripted, some initial analysis can be found on Engadet, CNN and on Verge.
This gives an uncensored and scary insight of how corporate espionage and hacking seems the be a key part of Ubers business model and operations.
Day: December 17, 2017
Further Microsoft Patents: Is the Windows Phone back on?
I have mentioned a couple of times that keeping an eye on patent applications filed by Microsoft can give you a glimpse of things to come. Much like the surface book series was preempted by the key technologies patented, there is now more patent applications for the much debated Microsoft mobile terminal (sometimes referred to by the internal (?) project name Courier). A good summery in Arsthecnica, showing more and more of the expected device.